The study was conducted to evaluate the effect of various botanical products on population of sucking complex on cotton crop. The study was conducted at the experimental area of Entomology section, Agriculture Research Institute, Tando Jam during the Kharif Season-2004. Five bio-pesticides i.e. neem oil (500ml/acre), cooking oil (750 ml/acre), linseed oil (750ml/acre), hing (290gm/acre) and cotton oil (750ml/acre) were applied twice against sucking complex (jassid, thrip and whitefly) and compared with an untreated control. It was observed that the efficacy of different bio-pesticides against sucking complex (jassid, whitefly and thrips) varied significantly. All products reduced pest population during both sprays. On an average, neem oil (63.27%) and cotton oil (62.01%) were found to be superior in reducing sucking pest, followed by hing (58.25%), cooking oil (57.18%) and linseed oil (55.24%) respectively.
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Copyright (c) 2017 Lubna Bashir Rajput, Arfan Ahmed Gilal, Aslam Bukero , Niaz Ahmed Wahocho