Present study was designed to estimates the correlation between carcass traits of Nili Ravi and Kundhi buffalo. The data for carcass traits of Nili Ravi and Kundhi buffalo was collected from Seven Star International Meat Processing Company Dhabeji at Thatta. In current study the data of total 100 animals of Kundhi and Nili Ravi breed were selected and divided into A, B, C and D group. In group A and C there were Kundhi and Nili Ravi male whereas, B and D females of both breeds respectively. The data including live body weight, carcass weight, dressing percentage and boneless weight of both breeds Kundhi and Nili Ravi were collected for the estimation of correlation.The results for correlation estimates of different carcass traits indicated that the correlation estimation were found positive and high among Nili Rave breed as compared to Kundhi breed, which shows that an increase in one carcass trait would increase the other carcass traits. It was concluded that Nili Ravi carcass traits are better expressed and produces more beef than Kundhi, while Kundhi male is better in beef production than the Nili Ravi female whereas Kundhi female produces low carcass yield.
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Copyright (c) 2017 Muhammad Siddiq Zardari, Hubdar Ali Kaleri, Rameez Raja Kaleri, Asma Kaleri, Abdul Kabir, Syed Ramazan Shah, Tahir Niaz, Azhar Hussain Kaleri , Amjad Jakhro