Present research was performed on twelve male lambs of Dumbi sheep breed kept in 2 management systems at Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Sciences, | department of Livestock Management, Sindh Agriculture University, Tandojam. Animals were divided into two different groups. A groups animal were kept in semi intensive with provision of open grazing and concentrates while, Bgroup animals were kept in intensive management system with provision of green fodder and concentrate. Study was performed till 8 weeks and lambs were observed weekly foraverage body weight and carcass characteristics of both groups were recorded. The results of current study showed that average body weight of group A was (8.33 kg)found significantly high (P>0.05) as compared to the group B (6.86 kg). Moreover carcass characteristics of Dumbi lamb was also observed higher in group A as compared group B. While during comparison of the economical values of both groups, it was observed that group A was found more economical than group B. It is concluded that semi-intensive management system was found better as compared to intensive management system.
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Copyright (c) 2017 Muhammad Akram Safi, Huma Rizwana, Hubdar Ali Kaleri, Asma Kaleri, Kamal-Uddin Mandokhial, Abdul Satar Safi, Rameez Raja Kaleri, Asad Ullah , Muhammad Rasheed