Present study was conducted to investigate the levels and persistence of imidacloprid residues in wheat grains and straw of field crop samples grown from treated seed and foliar application. Objective of the study was to assess the best practices that may be used to produce safe grains and straw. Residual uptake of imidacloprid was measured after seed treatments at four dosage levels of seed. Each sample of 25g treated seed was sown in a separate 5ft2 plot.
The absorption of imidacloprid residues was investigated by spraying the crops with 1ml and 5ml of 6 mgmL-1 solution of 200SL Confidor (imidacloprid). The results helped in determining the maximum allowable limits of imidacloprid application (foliar or seed treatment) on wheat, which would prevent the residues from exceeding the MRL. The quantitative determination of imidacloprid suggested that the lowest seed treatment level (i.e. 0.015g/25g seed) may be used to produce a residues-free crop.
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Copyright (c) 2017 Sajid Iqbal, Riaz Uddin, Sumayya Saied, Hameed Ur Rehman, Abdul Bari, Anum Hafeez, Abbas Bhutto , Najmus Sahar