The main objective of this study was to survey and collect some halophyte species capable of growing in highly salt affected soils and their distribution in relation to some soil properties of district Thatta. Sueda fruticosa, Tamarix aphylla, Ceriops candoleana, Cynodon dactylon, and Chenopodum album species were collected form Thatta. Soil samples were collected from the vicinity of each halophyte and were analyzed for pH, organic matter (OM), electrical conductivity (EC), soluble Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+, HCO3-, Cl-, sodium absorption ratio (SAR), and exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP). Halophytes species collected were analyzed for ion (Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+and Cl-) contents. Data regarding plant ionic composition showed that contents of Na+ ranged between 3.7-6.9 %, K+0.7-1.9 ,Ca+2 0.4--1.2 %, Mg2+ 0.6-2.2 and Cl- contents between 0.1-0.8 in species collected from Thatta, respectively. Data further revealed that maximum Na+ (6.9 and %) was recorded in Sueda fruticosa and Salsola indica, highest K+(1.9 %) was noted in Chenopodium album species, greatest Ca+2 (1.2 %) was documented in Sueda fruticosaspecies, highest Mg2+ (2.2 %) was observed in Sueda fruticosa whereas, maximum Cl- (0.8 %) was noted in Sueda fruticosa collected from district Thatta, respectively. Data pertaining to soil properties indicated that EC of studied soils ranged between 7.0-18.4dS m-1, pH 7.5-8.0. O.M 0.82-0.94 % , soluble Ca2+ 17.3-33.3 meq L-1, Mg2+ 15.5-24.6 meq L-1, Na+ 43.6-83.4 meq L-1 , Ka+ 3.20-4.50 meq L-1, HCO3? 2.4-5.3 meq L-1, Cl- 55.6-145.4 meq L-1, SAR 10.2-17.1 whereas, ESP ranged between 12.2-19.6 % in soil samples collected from Thatta, respectively. It was concluded that halophyte species Sueda fruticosa, Tamarix aphylla, gallica, Salsola indica, Cyperus irria accumulate significant amounts of salt (Na+ and Cl-)from salt-affected soil and, therefore, may remediate land to the point where native plants could invade and become established, or the site could be returned to agricultural productivity. These halophytes species have an excellent potential for rehabilitation of degraded salt affected soils.
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Copyright (c) 2017 Sajid Hussain Kaleri, Allah Wadhayo Gandahi, Arshad Ali Kaleri , Mumtaz Ali Gadehi