Present study was carried out to estimates the genetic parameters of Baluchi sheep during the year 2015 at Bhagnari cattle Cum Baluchi Sheep Farm Usta Muhammad, Baluchistan. The recorded data including (lactation yield and lactation length) was collected for the period 2005 to 2014.The results of current study revealed that average milk yield and lactation length was found 95.1±11.122kg and 123.60±8.44days of Baluchi sheep. The results for heritability and correlation estimates for lactation yield and lactation length was observed 0.113, 0.126 and 0.26, respectively. There was positive and low heritability and correlation was worked out for lactation yield and lactation length. Due to low results heritability and correlation estimates of some performance traits of Baluchi sheep, it was concluded that improvement can be achieved by process of mass selection.
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Copyright (c) 2017 Zahid Qadir, Hubdar Ali Kaleri, Rameez Raja Kaleri, Asma Kaleri, Mushtaque Ahmed Jalbani, Azhar Hussain Kaleri, Faisal Ashraf, Abdul Kabir , Ali Ghulam Bugti