The study was conducted to investigate the dextrose sugar effect as carbon source on mycelial growth and production of Oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus). The experiment was performed in Mushroom Laboratory, Plant Pathology Section, Agriculture Research Institute, Tandojam, during 2013-2014. Mycelial growth was developed by using tissue culture on medium (PDA) potato dextrose agar with various concentrations of dextrose sugar. Analysis of variance for concentrations was statistically highly significant for all the parameters. In some cases among the different concentrations, 2.0% dextrose sugar showed after 2 days of micro propagation, the mycelial growth (1.9 cm) was recorded, followed by 1.5% dextrose sugar that showed (1.7 cm). The earlier spawn mycelia growth was observed in case of amending same 0/2% dextrose sugar (24.5 days). The pinhead first appeared (29.5 days) after the date of spawning by using 2.0% dextrose sugar. The minimum period (4.2 days) for maturation of mushroom fruiting body were recorded at 20% and 1.5% dextrose sugar. The maximum numbers of fruiting bodies (56.2) were observed with an application of dextrose sugar at 2.0%. The maximum number of bunches per bag (16.5) were harvested with an application of dextrose sugar 2.0%. The highest (350.5 g) fresh yield of Oyster mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus was recorded from 2.0% am ended of dextrose sugar.
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Copyright (c) 2017 Amjad Ali Memon, Ghulam Sughra Mangrio, Arshad Ali Kaleri, Bharat Kumar, Mohsin Khan, Rameez Raja Kaleri, Hubdar Ali Kaleri, Sajid Hussain Kaleri , Niaz Ahmed Wahocho