The screening of different varieties is one of the key strategies used in Integrated Pest Management to control the insect population and to escape the use of synthetic insecticides. This study was aimed to screen different okra varieties against sucking insect pest complex such as thrip, jassid, aphid, whitefly and mealybug. The experiment was conducted at Agriculture Research Institute Tandojam. The varieties such as Rama Krishna, Silky-460 and Bharat Kawairi were cultivated in RCBD layout and each treatment was replicated five times. The results revealed that the most infested variety was Bharat Kaiwari followed by Silky-460 and Rama Krishna throughout the experimental period. The highest mean population of the sucking insect pests (thrip, jassid, aphid, whitefly and mealybug) was 9.61±0.35, 3.22±0.13, 18.33±0.50, 3.25±0.15 and 3.75±0.19 respectively was observed on Bharat Kaiwari and the lowered on Rama Krishna. However, the attack of aphid was prominent on all okra varieties and overall pest attack was higher in the month of June. Similarly, the co-efficient correlation analysis showed a positive relationship of temperature and humidity (r= 0.012; r = 0.128) with thrip population whereas there was a negative relationship between temperature and humidity with remaining sucking pests. Both jassid and mealybug population indicated a significant difference with temperature. Similarly, relative humidity displayed a significant impact on population of mealybug (r = 0.365) and aphid (r = -0.096). Thus, it could be concluded based on the results that Rama Krishna is the most resistance against sucking insect pests as compared to Silky-460 and Bharat Kaiwairi.
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Copyright (c) 2017 Fahad Nazir Khoso, Naeem UL Haq Shah, Agha Mushtaque Ahmed, Bhai Khan Solangi, Arfan Ahmed Gilal, Muhammad Ishaque Mastoi , Ghulam Mujtaba Khushk