DNA extraction and purification is an initial step for authentic results in advance molecular biology, therefore DNA degradation is unavoidable. The aim of present study is to investigate the DNA quality and quantity in terms of shorter time preservation with normal and diseased tissue, therefore tissues of normal (n = 18) and diseased (n = 18) liver, lung and heart was collected from goat after slaughtered. For DNA extraction Gene JET Genomic DNA Purification Kit protocol was followed, then stored at -20 oC and -04 oC temperatures for 24hrs and 48hrs period of time. The concentration and purity of the extracted DNA were measured with Spectrophotometer and purity confirmed at an absorbance ratio of 260 or 280. It was observed that at a -20 oC temperature for 24hours the concentration of DNA yield was numerically higher than at -04 oC temperature for tissue stored at 48hrs, whereas absorbance was higher, however in normal tissues in contrast with diseased the concentration and absorbance of DNA was somehow same at -20 and -04 oC but different in storage time. On the basis of these findings, it was concluded that time elapsed between sampling with the storage condition and with normal or diseased samples for DNA extraction will largely depend on the experiment. If tissue preservative conditions and sampling are appropriate, storage time will not be a factor at least for short storage periods.
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Copyright (c) 2017 Imran Tarique Samoo, Pershotam Khatri, Bachal Bhutto, Mansoor Tariq, Iqra Chandio, Munaza Soomro, Saqib Ali , Sheeba Shams