Hospital waste has been one of the major problems in underdeveloped and developing countries in recent times. The present study is an attempt to analyze hospital waste generation of Faisalabad city. Forty four hospitals were selected out of which five were public, two were semi-government, six were trust and thirty one were private hospitals with a minimum capacity of ten beds. It was very difficult to acquire exact data related to the waste generated by hospitals as these health care centers were not following the international standards to handle waste generation. The primary data were collected through questionnaire, formal and informal meetings, interviews with the hospital staff and through personal observations. The secondary data were collected from the office of the Executive District Officer Health and Environment Protection | department, Faisalabad. Data analysis showed that about 7646 kg/day waste was generated by these hospitals out of which 6529 kg (85.40%) was non-infectious and 1117 kg (14.60%) was infectious waste. The government hospitals’ waste generation rate was 1.51 kg/bed/day, semi government 1.49 kg/bed/day, trust hospitals rate was 1.29 kg/bed/day and private hospitals 0.99 kg/bed/day. The overall waste generation rate of the hospitals of the study area was 1.28 kg/bed/day. It was recommended that the hospital staff must be trained to handle hospital waste so that the garbage should not create problems to human health.
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Copyright (c) 2017 Kashif Hameed, Omar Riaz, Muhammad Nasar u Minallah , Huma Munawar