Onion is a commonly used vegetable in entire world. The onions have been utilized as a main component in many recipes by different cultures for thousands of years. Due to its significant medicinal properties, nutritional and energy value, onions (Allium cepa L.) impart numerous health benefits to consumers. Therefore, a comparative study was conducted to evaluate the effect of various packaging materials (T1= Polyethylene bags, T2= Aluminum foil, T3= Butter paper and T0= without packaging) on physico-chemical characteristics of fried onion.During storageat the Institute of Food Sciences and Technology, Sindh Agriculture University Tandojam. The pH value, titratable acidity (%), moisture (%), ash(%) and total carbohydrates were determined. The results indicated that pH value and total carbohydrates content were significantly affected by storage periods (P<0.05); whereas non-significant effects of packaging were found in titratable acidity, moisture, ash content, respectively.
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Copyright (c) 2017 Umair Khatri, Saghir Ahmed Sheikh, Abdul Qadir khatri, Aasia Akbar Panhwar , Aijaz Hussain Soomro