A study was carried out in Mirpurkhas District of Sindh Province during the year 2015-16, aiming to observe post-harvest losses of onions associated with the cultivators. Following the random sampling 60 respondents were selected from 12 villages of 06 Talukas in the District. Interviews were conducted for the collection of data. Problems expressed were as; high cost of fertilizers (93.33%), high cost of pesticides (93.33%), hand weeding is labour consuming and expensive (91.66%), labour problems during harvesting (85%), ineffective and costly weedicides (80%), lack of knowledge about recommended fertilizers doses for onion crop (80%) and lack of knowledge about improved varieties (68.33%). The problems in marketing of onion include lack of remunerative price (96.66%), fluctuation in market price (93.33%) and high charges of transportation (20%). The present study suggested that training/ awareness programs should be conducted for cultivators regarding establishing technical storage and handling onion problems.
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Copyright (c) 2017 Shakeel Hussain Chattha, Benish Nawaz Mirani, Shakeel Ahmed Soomro, Khalil Ahmed Ibupoto, Irfan Ahmed Shaikh, Hafeez-u-Rehman Mangio, Ghulam Mujtaba Khushk, Imtiaz Ali Dahri, Abid Ali Abro , Zaheer Ahmed Khan