This study investigated the relative performance of ten brinjal (Solamum melongena L.) varieties for yield in fall 2014 in Bahawalpur. The study was conducted at farm area of Islamia University of Bahawalpur. Ten brinjal varieties were evaluated for yield performance in a research trial following randomized complete block design. Significant differences existed in the yield generated by tested varieties. Significantly more yield was recorded in Shamli and Eggplant deep black followed by Advanta 306, Sandhya F1, Black boy, Black nagina and Advanta 305 in descending order. Twinkle star and Kalash F1 generated significantly less yield while the significantly least yield was recorded for Xingchangjishi than all the tested varieties. Whitefly Bemesia tabaci (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) and jassid Amrasca biguttula biguttula (Homoptera: Cicadellidae) were the major sucking insects attacking this crop. Populations of both pest insects were recorded significantly more on Xingchangjishi while least populations of these pests were recorded on Egg plant deep black and Sandhya F1. Correlation of insect populations with yield showed inverse relationships. These results are important regarding varietal performance for yield test conducted for ten brinjal varieties. Varieties i.e.,Eggplant deep black and Shamli with significantly more yields are recommended for cultivation in this area to get more brinjal yield.
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Copyright (c) 2017 Hafiz Muhammad Irfan Ashraf, Muhammad Waqar Hassan , Moazzam Jamil