The objective of this paper is to prioritize entrepreneurial activities in higher education institutions to inculcate enterprise development pursuit among university graduates. Various phases of enterprise development process are determined along with prominent activities of entrepreneurial universities through literature review. Problem formulation is done by structuring goal, objectives and alternatives into a hierarchical model in order to prioritize factors with the help of Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP). Experts of academic entrepreneurship are approached for pairwise comparison of factors on the preference scale of nine levels with the help of software tool Expert Choice 11. After recording judgments, preferences of all experts are combined in order to get overall priorities of objectives and alternatives. Results show that Internal Motivation has highest and Business Growth and Sustainability have lowest priority along with priorities of all other objectives of enterprise formation process falling between both. Moreover, University Incubation Center is prioritized among alternatives in order to achieve objectives. Sensitivity analysis of results is carried out with the help of Expert Choice in which weight of a single objective is varied to observe effect on hierarchical model. Research presents a complete picture to academicians and policy makers to determine role of universities for entrepreneurship development in country. It will also help government officials to allocate resources in a prioritized way in order to achieve specific objectives. .
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