Usage of Social Networks for Academics in Private Universities of Karachi: A Statistical Survey Approach


New Media, Social Media, Collaborative Learning, Facebook, WhatsApp, Social media and learning, Universities, Academics.

How to Cite

Falak Naz, & Muhammad Osama Shafiq. (2017). Usage of Social Networks for Academics in Private Universities of Karachi: A Statistical Survey Approach. Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences, 13, 626–631.


A new trend of socializing networks such as Facebook and WhatsApp has emerged among university students for academic purpose. This study aims to analyze the impact and usage of Facebook and WhatsApp for academic activities. A quantitative research method has been used in the study. This survey was conducted at eight major private universities of Karachi, Pakistan. The sample size of the study is three hundred students. The survey reveals an interesting fact that frequent use of Facebook and WhatsApp doesn’t affect studies but it enhances collaborative learning among university students.
Students perceive that Facebook is more helpful for receiving information regarding class activity and lecture than WhatsApp.


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