Solving the Periodic Toda-Type Chain with a Self-Consistent Source


Toda chain, discrete Hill Equation, self-consistent source, inverse spectral problem, trace formulas, soliton equations.

How to Cite

Bazar Babajanov, Azizbek Azamatov, & Alisher Babajonov. (2020). Solving the Periodic Toda-Type Chain with a Self-Consistent Source. Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences, 16, 43–49.


In this article, we explore the periodic Toda-type chain. The aim of this work is to obtain representations for the solutions of the periodic Toda-type chain with self-consistent source within the framework of the inverse spectral method for the discrete Hill equation. An efficient method for integrating the periodic Toda-type chain with self-consistent source is presented. The results can be used in modeling special types of electric transmission lines.


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Copyright (c) 2020 Bazar Babajanov, Azizbek Azamatov , Alisher Babajonov