Faisalabad is a big industrial city with huge air quality problems, being one of the most polluted cities in the world. Although public policies have developed to minimize atmospheric aerosol pollution, there is a lack of adequate knowledge and poor characterization of these aerosols. In this study we sampled 100 aerosol samples from different pools covering almost all the aspects of Faisalabad environment. The results obtained from an investigation of solid aerosols in the Industrial city of Faisalabad (Pakistan) are reported and analysed in this paper. X-ray diffraction studies of the various solid aerosols pools (residential, industrial, transportational, commercial and mix pools) showed that non-clay organic compounds such as GB-Naphthylbismuth dioxide,Sodium hippurate, Sodium-GA-naphthylamine-4-sulfonate tetrahydrate, Potassium phenoxide, Bismuth salicylate, Cadmium salicylate hydrate, Barium phenolsulfonate are contained in most of the samples in almost comparable amounts.The results of Solid aerosols collected from various pools show that the sources of GB-Naphthylbismuth dioxide,Sodium hippurate, Sodium-GA-naphthylamine-4-sulfonate tetrahydrate, Potassium phenoxide, Bismuth salicylate, Cadmium salicylate hydrate, Barium phenolsulfonatein the Solid aerosols are both local and remote. No doubt the main objective of this study was not to investigate the human health hazards however; an attempt has been made to correlate health hazards on behalf of their size distribution.
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