Habitual Use of Medicinal Plants among a Group of Jordanian Elderly According to Physical Activity and Gender


Medicinal plants, elderly, female, male, Jordanian.

How to Cite

Safaa A. Al-Zeidaneen, Hadil S. Subih, Ala’a Al-Bakheit, NahlaS.Al-Bayyari , & Seham M. Abu Jadayil. (2019). Habitual Use of Medicinal Plants among a Group of Jordanian Elderly According to Physical Activity and Gender . Journal of Pharmacy and Nutrition Sciences, 9(1), 25–31. https://doi.org/10.29169/1927-5951.2019.09.01.5


Introduction: Traditional medicine use has grown significantly in the last few decades around the world. Similarly, in Jordan. The information regarding the percentages of older adults in Jordan who adopt a healthy life-style and consuming medicinal plants along with performing physical activity are limited.
Objective: To evaluates the use of medicinal plants among a sample of Jordanian elderly population and the effect of physical activity and gender on their habitual medicinal plants usage.
Method: A cross sectional study was conducted on 120 elderly Jordanian (62 women; 58 men) and evaluated for medicinal plant usage. A questionnaire was used for collecting personal, social, anthropometries and lifestyle information including the daily activities through a personal interview by the principal investigator.
Results: In this study about 90% of all participates were using medicinal plants and 95% of males and females used medicinal plants were physically active. Females were used medicinal plants (100%) more than male (79.31%), the most medicinal plants used among elderlies were sage (88.33%), thyme (85.00%) and peppermint (81.67%).
Conclusion: The study highlight the increasing number of herbal users among Jordanian elderlies especially females and physically active people and alarming about the possible risk associated with herbal/drug interactions among this age group.



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Copyright (c) 2019 Safaa A. Al-Zeidaneen , Hadil S. Subih , Ala’a Al-Bakheit , Nahla S. Al-Bayyari  , Seham M. Abu Jadayil