Journal of Pharmacy and Nutrition Sciences

Current Issue

Vol. 14 (2024)
Published March 27, 2024

The Journal of Pharmacy and Nutrition Sciences is a decade-old international, open-access, and peer-reviewed publication that contributes to advancing and disseminating knowledge in Pharmacy and Nutrition sciences. The primary objective of this journal is to focus on healing through appropriate and customized use of nourishment.

The journal also covers the relationship between these fields to discover possible nutritional cures for various diseases. As curing is not restricted to only medication, we aim to explore other factors that support medicine. Thus, this publication is designed to support human well-being through the use of intriguing research and reciprocating it with researchers with similar interests.

Publications in this journal include clinical studies, clinical case seminars, practice management issues, evidence-based publications, practice, policy, and other significant ideas related to Pharmacy and Nutrition.

The journal desires to provide an educational platform for researchers to participate in research activities in pharmaceutical and nutritional sciences. We hope that JPANS could be a part of the noble cause of making global health and well-being knowledge widespread and accessible to improve quality of life.


Call for Paper: Natural Compounds in Food Productions

Food safety is jeopardized by new global challenges, and the demand for healthy foods produced from genuine raw materials and natural processing practices is growing. 

We will accept submissons on microbial food safety, application of natural additives, natural food process & packaging technology and strategies to overcome bacterial resistance in foods.


September 17, 2022

Call for Paper: Polypharmacy & Nutritional Status in the Elderly

Polypharmacy is known as the concurrent use of five or more medications. Recent studies have shown an association between an increasing number of medications and malnutrition (especially in the elderly).

I am pleased to invite you to contribute original research articles, reviews, case reports, and brief reports to explore the relationship between Polypharmacy and Nutritional Status in the Elderly.


September 17, 2022

Call for Paper: Chronic Pain & Nutrition

Chronic pain is currently a public health problem. The most recommended treatment with the best evidence is based on physical measures and little on hygienic-dietary measures.

This special issue seeks advances and perspectives on how diet can negatively or positively influence chronic pain. 

We hope this opportunity will be of great interest, and look forward to your active participation.


September 17, 2022
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