Clinical Trial: Management of Post-Haemorrhoidectomy Wound Healing by Bergamot Flavonoid-Based Gel and Sodium Hyaluronate: An Observational, Multicentric Trial


surgical wounds
hyaluronic acid

How to Cite

Cafaro, D., Onofrio, L., Sturiale, A., Puglia, S., Sinicropi, M. S., Catalano, A., & Naldini, G. (2023). Clinical Trial: Management of Post-Haemorrhoidectomy Wound Healing by Bergamot Flavonoid-Based Gel and Sodium Hyaluronate: An Observational, Multicentric Trial. Journal of Pharmacy and Nutrition Sciences, 13, 45–56.


Objective: Haemorrhoidal disease (HD) is a very diffuse anorectal condition that involves a large part of the population, both male and female of every age. Among the procedures proposed to treat HD, conventional excisional surgery remains one of the most performed. Milligan-Morgan (MM) technique is one of the most used haemorrhoidectomy techniques. In this technique, the wounds are left open and re-epithelialization requires almost 3-5 weeks, in which patients generally experience pain and intense discomfort improving over the weeks.

Methods: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of topic administration of Benebeo Gel®, mainly composed by bergamot-derived flavonoids and hyaluronic acid, on post-operative wound healing after open MM haemorrhoidectomy. An observational prospective study was carried out, involving 205 patients aged between 18 and 75.

Results and Conclusion: The results after 2 weeks of treatment seem to be promising with a very good clinical outcome and patient satisfaction within 1 month.


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