Editorial Policies

Editorial Policies


For journals, Set Publishers apply the subsequent editorial policies. It’s required by the authors to prepare their manuscripts according to the directions mentioned below. If their work is considered unethical, manuscripts might not be accepted or returned to the author for revision.

Ethics & Consent

The authors must provide formal declaration or approval of the ethics committee and their reference number, wherever appropriate in the manuscripts, if they carry out experiments
involving investigations on humans or animals.

In obtaining consent, the authors should discuss the purpose(s) of publication, the possible risks and benefits to the patient and the patient’s right to withhold or withdraw consent. In the case of a minor patient, consent should be obtained from the guardian(s).

In studies involving experiments on live vertebrates or higher invertebrates and plants, the authors must confirm that all experiments were performed in accordance with the national and international standards and guidelines.

In cases where the study has been exempted from requiring an ethical approval, it’s required by the authors to include the relevant details in their manuscripts. Furthermore, the Editor can request for further information regarding this, if the need arises.

The Editor holds the right of rejecting the manuscripts if he regards the research as not being carried out within an appropriate ethical framework or if the research involves procedures that are not consistent with the generally accepted norms of animal research.


Any person listed as an author should considerably contribute in the development of the manuscript. He or she should have a noticeable role in the interpretation of the work/experiments, drafting it and the final approval of the manuscript.

Authors need to invite the interest of reviewers by explicitly stating the significance of their work. The paper has to generate some new ideas so that it becomes a valid contribution in the realm of science. The conclusion should gain attention for readership and is supposed to have some impact among the research community.

The authors need to keep their data safely intact because it may be required by the editorial board as they review the paper. This would be done just to check for the authenticity of the work sent. It is guaranteed that the data sent would not be misused in any case.

Any discrepancies among the authors should be resolved by them or the relevant institutional authority. Set Publishers is not responsible to resolve them before or after the publication. Any changes in the author list, after submission of the manuscript, must be approved by every author.


Only the principal/corresponding author is responsible for submitting the manuscript alongside the Copyright Letter, on behalf of all the co-authors (if any). It is his or her responsibility to inform all co-authors of any matters arising in relation to the published paper and to ensure such matters are dealt with promptly.

The corresponding author is responsible to mention names of all contributors of the paper. If the paper has multiple authors, then the corresponding author is responsible to have mentioned their names.

All co-authors are supposed to be on agreement for the final version of the paper that is to be published. Mutual consent of all authors is an essential requirement which has to be ensured by the corresponding author before the paper reaches the editorial board.

Guarantee that the paper sent is original and chiefly their own work. Where ideas are taken from other sources there needs to be proper citation and referencing. Any illustration, structure or table that has been published elsewhere must be reported, and copyright permission for reproduction must be obtained.

If the author finds any information sent in the paper erratic or inappropriate he/she must notify the journal immediately so that it can be corrected.

In case of change in authorship, the following form should be submitted at info@setpublisher.com.

NOTE: No changes will be made after the publishing of the manuscript.

Conflict of Interest

The authors, reviewers and editors are required to declare any conflict of interest, either financial or non-financial. These conflicts should be included at the end of the manuscript, before the references, under the heading of “Conflict of Interest”.

The authors should disclose any past and present affiliations, funding sources, financial and personal interests related to the reported research that might raise questions about possible sources of bias.

The reviewers and academic editors should mention any conflict of interest that might arise during the evaluation of paper. It can be due to personal or professional relationships, competing research and financial interests.

If any conflict of interest is suspected, it should be reported to the Set Publishers or Editor.

The mention of such interests do not make the manuscripts unethical but they should be acknowledged as the editor must know about any competing interests that the author might have. In case of no conflict, the authors are required to include this in their manuscripts as well.


Often a paper acquires its final shape through ideas generated by a number of people. In such cases it is important to mention all those names that have participated in execution of the paper. Even a minor participation requires acknowledgement so as to take care of grievances that may occur later on.


  • Set Publishers will not share the manuscripts with the third parties unless legally obliged.
  • Editors, reviewers and authors are required to maintain confidentiality and not publicize the details of editorial or peer review process.
  • It’s the responsibility of reviewers not to share or reveal the content or any other detail of the manuscript, except that which has already been revealed by the journal.
  • If help is sought from an external referee or colleague in the peer-review process, then prior to sharing the information, the journal must be notified and the editor should provide his approval.
  • The names of all such referees should be provided to the journal with the final report.
  • The details of the Reviewers are also kept confidential as the peer review process is confidential and conducted anonymously.
  • If misconduct is suspected, Set Publishers hold the right to turn to the authors, journals or the respective funding organization.

Correction, Retraction and Withdrawal

The peer-review process ensures that the articles are checked multiple times to eliminate the errors.

The author should immediately contact the journal if their work needs amendments or corrections. In such cases, the journal in consultation with the authors of the article, and/or replace or retract the article.

An article may be withdrawn if the journal suspects the violation of ethical code, editorial policies, plagiarism and multiple submissions.


Preprints are scholarly or scientific papers that are shared before the peer-review process.

Set Publishers encourage the authors to share the pre-prints of their manuscripts on preprint servers, personal and institutional websites.

Authors are required to inform the journal about their preprints and share the details of their postings, including the DOI and licensing terms at the time of submission of their manuscripts. Posting preprints doesn’t violate the copyright policy of Set Publishers.

Once the preprint is published, it is the author’s responsibility to ensure that the preprint record is updated with a publication reference, including the DOI and a URL link to the published version of the article on the journal website.


When submitting manuscripts, the authors should make sure that their paper is not under-consideration by any other journal. If such a case exists, then the authors are required to initially inform our journal in order to prevent duplication or overlapping.

Any cited content that hasn’t been formally published should be made available, if requested by the Editor.

The authors should abstain from sharing the content, figures, data, findings or any other relevant information of the paper with the mass media or not-for-profit preprint servers before their work is published.

Appeals & Complaints

Authors who think that their manuscripts were not accepted due to misinterpretation or any other error can appeal to the journal, giving legitimate reasons and evidence. The appeals will be considered by the Editorial Board and relevant referees. The decision taken after the appeal will be considered final.

All such complaints should be addressed to Editor-in-Chief of the respective journal and emailed to info@setpublisher.com.