Guidelines For Editors

Guidelines For Editors

It is the editor’s responsibilities to draft the manuscripts, conduct the peer review process and check the final manuscript for any technical or grammatical errors to ensure quick and accurate publications. The following guidelines might help them in carrying out their duties:

  • They should ensure that all the articles are ethically sound and follow the Set Publishers’ publication and editorial policies.
  • Find at least two appropriate referees for the peer review process, within a week. Their qualifications and area of expertise should match the article or the topic concerned.
  • It’s the editor’s responsibility to make the final decision of accepting, rejecting or sending the article back to the author for revision. They should base their decisions on the suggestions and comments of the reviewers.
  • When a revision is requested by the author, it should be clearly indicated and clarified in detail. The revised manuscripts are consigned to the same editor. It’s to be noted that the revised versions shouldn’t be accepted unless they meet our demands and quality standard.
  • Usually the authors are given one chance for revision but in some cases the Editor-in-Chief or the editors can make an exception due to the paper being rare, of very high quality, or exceptionally interesting for the readers and allow a third round of review.
  • Editors should finalize the list of reviewers, for the peer review process, within a week. Reviewers are allocated 2 weeks to review the paper after which the editor gets only a single week to submit their recommendations to the EIC.
  • The editor’s final decision should be well justified and explained in detail, especially when proposing to declare the article unfit for publication or sending the article back for revision, so that the author can understand the reasons for not accepting his article and for the editor to take his/her final decision. They should also respond to all the queries of the authors regarding this matter.

    Accepted Approved by the Editor. No major changes or further modifications are required. The article will be published after copy editing and proof reading.
    Rejected Not approved by the Editor. The article is rendered unfit for publication.
    Revision needed The article will be sent back to the author for making the suggested and required amendments. The revised paper will be rechecked by the initial reviewers as a second round of review after which it may be accepted or rejected by the author.